Daily Gospel Reflections

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Saturday | August 20, 2022

Matthew 23:1-12:

The parables and controversies concerning the hypocrisy of Jesus’ opponents reach a climax in the Gospel. Jesus names in detail their problematic behavior and instructs the crowds not to follow the example of the Jewish leaders. All their efforts are a means to serve themselves.

We pray for the leaders of our Church. May they truly understand what it is to follow your example by leading with the heart of a servant.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: August 20, 2022

Friday, August 19, 2022

Friday | August 19, 2022

Matthew 22:34-40:

It was not uncommon for Jewish teachers to be asked to summarize the law. A Pharisee who is a lawyer, asks Jesus to do just that. Jesus’ summary draws on Scripture, from Deuteronomy and Leviticus, commands to love God and neighbor. These together are the greatest, Jesus says and are the heart of God’s law.

I know human law is flawed. I pray to understand and live by your low, O God.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: August 19, 2022

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Thursday | August 18, 2022

Matthew 22:1-14:

Jesus uses a wedding banquet to illustrate the coming of the kingdom. As it says in the Gospel, “many are invited” but are not necessarily chosen to attend. Humble acceptance of the invitation is to be followed by preparation for being before God.

I know I am not worthy. I pray to spend each day understanding how to prepare myself and doing so in anticipation of that great day.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: August 18, 2022

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Wednesday | August 17, 2022

Matthew 20:1-16:

Chapter 19 of Matthew’s Gospel ends with the saying about the “first and the last” and Chapter 20 begins with the same. The parable illustrates why this saying is important. Jesus is teaching about God’s justice and generosity to the Jewish and gentile people alike so that all will accept and live following God’s will.

Today we pray for all who are employers to be fair and just in their dealing with those who work for and with them.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: August 17, 2022

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Tuesday | August 16, 2022

Matthew 19:23-30:

Jesus takes this opportunity, following the exchange with the rich young man, to teach his disciples about the potential for wealth being an obstacle. The kingdom is not bought or earned. It is God’s gift freely given. Peter, the spokesperson for the disciples, seems to be asking for reassurance and Jesus responds that their rewards will be great in heaven.

I find myself wanting so many human and material things in my life forgetting that all I need is you.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: August 16, 2022

Monday, August 15, 2022

Monday | August 15, 2022

Luke 1:39-56:

By the will of God and the power of the Holy Spirit, two children have been conceived and their mothers, filled with that same Spirit, joyfully accept God’s gift. Each in her own way acknowledges the invitation to participate in God’s holy work.

On this day, we are reminded that you reign in heaven and watch over each one of us. Pray for us Holy Mother.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: August 15, 2022

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Sunday | August 14, 2022

Luke 12:49-53:

Jesus is talking to his disciples about the final judgment. It has begun as he is setting a fire within the hearts of all people. Some are for him. Though this causes dissension within their families, they merit eternal life. Those against him will be judged harshly.

Let us pray for all who stand against you. May they come to see that they are wrong and come to believe in you.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: August 14, 2022

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Saturday | August 13, 2022

Matthew 19:13-15:

Parent(s), we assume bring their children to Jesus. It is because children are considered the least important in the society of the day that the disciples rebuke them. At the same time, it is exactly because of their status that Jesus welcomes them. Their innocence, humility and trusting nature is what makes them open to God’s love.

Our hearts are hardened by the world. Our trust has turned to distrust. We pray that your love renews the child within us.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: August 13, 2022

Friday, August 12, 2022

Friday | August 12, 2022

Matthew 19:3-12:

The Pharisees attempt to trick Jesus with their question about marriage and divorce. Jesus, speaking as authoritative interpreter of the law, cites passages from Genesis, which lay out God’s original intention for marriage.

We pray for those who prepare couples for marriage. May they be knowledgeable, wise, and compassionate, leading the couples to a mature understanding of the covenant.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: August 12, 2022

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Thursday | August 11, 2022

Matthew 18:21—19:1:

When asked by Peter, Jesus makes it quite clear that there can be no limit put on forgiveness. To forgive another comes from the heart. It is God’s will that we forgive others as God forgives us. The parable illustrates this. The merciless servant failed to learn this as evidenced by his treatment of his fellow servant.

We live in a world where holding grudges and getting even are the norm. We pray that our hearts guide us to be merciful as God is merciful. St. Clare, pray for us.

SOURCE: Living Water Catholic: August 11, 2022

About Caritas Zambia

Caritas Zambia is a Catholic Organisation that is an integral structure of the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB). The Conference of Bishops is a permanent grouping of Bishops of a given nation or territory that jointly exercises certain pastoral functions on behalf of the Christian faithful of their territory. This is done for the sake of effective evangelisation. To promote the principle of the common good which the Church offers humankind, especially through forms and programmes of the apostolate which are fittingly adapted to the circumstances of the time and place, is the role of Bishops.