Press Releases

Philippe Cardinal OUÉDRAOGO - President of SECAM

Annual Celebration of SECAM Day 2020 (29th July and 2nd August 2020)



The Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar, known by the acronym SECAM, was founded by African Bishops on 29th July 1969 and formally launched by Saint Pope Paul VI on 31st July 1969 in Rubaga Cathedral, Kampala, Uganda. To keep alive this historic and memorable event, 29th July of every year is commemorated as SECAM Day. The day is set aside for all members of the Church-Family of God in Africa and the surrounding Islands to thank God for the gift of mother Africa, for the gift of one another and for the gift of the Christian faith. It also provides an opportunity to pray for the well-being of SECAM, for the spirit of unity, communion and solidarity amongst the Bishops, the clergy, the religious and lay faithful.

In line with the decision taken at the Plenary Assembly of SECAM in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in July 2013, the Day is further an occasion to speak about the Symposium to enable Catholics throughout the Continent and the Islands become more informed about its existence, work and mission, and invite them to identify with, and support SECAM. To that end, the celebration of SECAM Day is shifted to the following Sunday when 29th July falls on a week day, and a special collection is taken to support the activities of the Symposium. Therefore, SECAM Day this year is to be celebrated on 2nd August 2020.

One Year after SECAM Golden Jubilee Celebration

This year 2020 marks one year since the impressive celebration of the Golden Jubilee of SECAM in Kampala, Uganda, the land of heroic African Martyrs. The Jubilee year (2019) of our Association coincided with the Silver Jubilee of the First Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops, held in 1994, during which the African Synod Fathers chose not only to define the Church as God's Family but also to be a guiding principle for the Evangelization of the Continent (Ecclesia in Africa no. 63).

During the study as well as the plenary sessions in Kampala last year, we SECAM members reflected on how far we had gone with our evangelizing mission, where we need to go and how to make the future even better. We also bemoaned the plight of the majority of our people. And challenged by the example of Ugandan martyrs, in particular, and other African saints and martyrs, in general, we all resolved, amongst other details, to:

i. Make the Golden Jubilee a springboard for more profound Evangelization on the Continent and its Islands; seeking in the process, personal encounter with Jesus Christ that leads to true conversion and witness of life, enabling us not only to hold firm to our Catholic faith, doctrine and identity but concretely exhibit the spirit of Church-Family of God, solidarity, trust, acceptance, dialogue etc. everywhere in Africa and Madagascar;

ii. Intensify our commitment to the vision of the founding Fathers of SECAM centred on promoting organic pastoral solidarity and communion amongst the members of SECAM, which again typifies the image of Church as God’s Family, where everyone is treated as a true brother and sister, his/her dignity as a child of God upheld;

iii. Step up our obligation to SECAM (cf., Ecclesia in Africa no. 104);

iv. Be more proactive in our prophetic mission

The Golden Jubilee celebration evidently raised hopes that SECAM would more visibly play its role and exert a positive influence on areas that touch the daily life of the people, both within and outside Africa. Indeed, exerting a positive impact is a major focus of the current SECAM leadership.

Unfortunately, one year after the Golden Jubilee, the situation in Africa and the surrounding Islands has remained the same, within and outside the Church. Indeed, it is compounded by the corona virus pandemic that has wreaked havoc everywhere. Covid-19 has so far killed millions around the world including Africans. It has affected the Clergy, religious and lay faithful alike.

Different measures have been adopted to contain the spread of the disease, and we have also been praying for an end to the pandemic but new cases continue to soar in many African countries as elsewhere. Moreover, a recent report from the Caritas International indicates that Africa is the worst affected of all continents in terms of Covid-19 effects. There are cases of food shortages, due to the lockdowns. “Thousands have lost jobs, small businesses destroyed. The diversity of pre-existing disasters such as floods, drought, locust invasion, poor harvest are real and constitute a serious challenge”[1].

This situation has given rise to several questions and agitations. For those in the grip of anguish and misery, it is easy to conclude that God has abandoned us and the pandemic is punishment for our sins, individual and communal. But as we already said in our Pentecost Message: “If, we experience pain or if we suffer, [God] participates in it in order to overcome it”. St. Augustine said long ago: "Being supremely good, God would not allow any evil in his works, unless in his omnipotence and goodness, he is able to bring forth good out of evil” (Enchiridion 11, 3; PL 40, 236)[2], which is why he allowed his beloved Son to die a criminal’s death on the Cross. And the death of the Son changed the meaning of every kind of suffering and pain, physical and moral; not only of those who have faith but of every human person[3].

Amidst the current situation, we say ‘courage’ brothers and sisters; do not give in to despair; continue to pray and wait for God’s time. Like the Lord’s vision in Habakkuk, “if it comes slowly, wait, for come it will, without fail” (Hab 2:3). Be assured of our continued closeness to you and our daily prayers for you, especially, those of you who are sick or experiencing different challenges in your daily life.

COVID-19 has exposed how vulnerable we are, irrespective of colour or status, and what happens in one country affects people in the other. Indeed, it has shown that we are one people and we need to be each other’s’ keeper. As mentioned in the Pentecost Message, this is a time for all African peoples to reactivate the value of solidarity that has shaped our worldview and traditional society. It is doing so that we will be better placed to “face the impact of the pandemic and to turn our economies around, while relying on the power of the Holy Spirit, who gives us the grace to love and to be compassionate. In this time when many are in dire need, let us help them to experience the love of God”.

It is shameful and regretful that not even the deadly Covid-19 has deterred violence and terrorism in some countries in Africa; we continue to kill ourselves on a daily basis. We join our voice with the Holy Father, Pope Francis and other world leaders to call for an immediate end to violence everywhere in Africa and elsewhere in the world.


We certainly have had moments of sorrow but there were also joyful moments in the last one year. We, therefore, thank God for his blessings and magnanimity. We are also profoundly grateful to our Bishops, clergy, religious and lay members of the Church-Family of God throughout Africa and Islands for their commitment to Evangelization in spite of the current challenges.

We appreciate the efforts that have been made by respective governments to contain the vicious spread of corona virus in the Continent and we encourage the leaders to continue protecting the health of the population. We also thank all the health professionals, including religious nuns who have shown extraordinary dedication to alleviating the suffering of the sick.

We thank everyone within and outside Africa and Madagascar who has journeyed with, and supported SECAM in the past year. We are equally grateful to all those involved in the immediate affairs of SECAM (Presidency, Treasurer, Standing Committee members, Comitheol members and secretarial staff members) for their dedication, hard work and sacrifices for SECAM.

To all Africans and Malagasy we say, your generous support expands SECAM mission, increases its out-reach, and helps us to serve the Church and the society better.

SECAM day is an important event for the Church-Family of God in Africa and Madagascar. We earnestly urge you to pray for SECAM on Wednesday 29th July and 2nd August 2020. Following the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic at the moment, we have opted to defer the special SECAM collection for this year. But if any person or group of people are moved by the Holy Spirit to support SECAM financially or materially, you are welcome do so.

May the Virgin Mary, Queen of Africa, ensure the maternal protection for her children!


Philippe Cardinal OUÉDRAOGO

President of SECAM


[1] Paul Samasumo,, 22nd May 2020.

[2] Cf. Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, Homily during the Celebration of the Passion of the Lord St. Peter’s Basilica Friday 10th April 2020,

[3] Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, Homily during the Celebration of the Passion of the Lord, April 2020.


Download the entire signed message here:

ZCCB Statement on Constitution Amendment Bill No 10 of 2019

ZCCB Statement on Constitution Amendment Bill No 10 of 2019


“Happy are those who hunger and thirst for what is right; they shall be satisfied” (Mathew 5: 6)

  • 1. To the Catholic faithful in Zambia and all people of good will.
  • 2. We, the Catholic Bishops of Zambia, greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Download the entire ZCCB Statement on Constitution Amendment Bill No 10 of 2019 here:

EXPRESSION OF INTEREST TO SUPPLY: Terms of Reference for training of Implementing Partners for the CSO Sida Project in Evidence and Documentation.

1. Project Background and Context:

Save the Children is the world’s leading independent non-profit organization for children. Our vision is a world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection, development, and participation. Its mission is to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children, and to achieve immediate and lasting changes in their lives. In Zambia, Save the Children has been implementing programs across Child Rights Governance (CRG), Health and Nutrition, Child Protection, Education, Child Poverty and Humanitarian thematic areas since 1983.

Save the Children with its partners Advocacy for Child Justice (ACJ), Media Network and Child Rights Development (MNCRD), Panos, Centre for Trade and Policy (CTPD), Zambia Civic Education Association (ZCEA), Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR), Civil Society for Poverty Reduction (CSPR), Lifeline Childline Zambia and Caritas Zambia has been implementing the five year Civil Society Strengthening Project-Sida CSO 2017-2021 project that is in its fourth year of implementation. It is a Child rights Governance (CRG) and Child Protection project which is implemented with support from the above listed implementing partners in eight provinces of Zambia. With the project almost coming to end, it calls for enhanced monitoring, evidence harvesting and documentation. It is therefore imperative that SCI and Implementing Partner staff are equipped with skills to begin evidence gathering and documentation.

2. Objective

Build capacity of SCI and Implementing Partner staff in report writing, evidence gathering and documentation.

3. Methodology

In order to achieve the objective of this assignment, the successful consultant is expected to: • Prepare an inception report (narrative and financial proposal). • Design training content in evidence gathering and documentation. • Conduct virtual/Physical training to 25 SCI and Implementing partner staff.

4. Deliverables

• Training report (15-20 pages) [electronic and hard copy].

• Project evidence harvesting and documentation plan

5. Target groups for the training

SCI and Implementing Partner staff.

6. Proposed time-frame

The proposed time frame for completing this assignment is 10 working days from 22nd June to 2nd July 2020.

7. Required profile of the Consultant/team

The consultant/team must demonstrate the following qualifications in order to be eligible for this assignment:

  • • The Team Lead must hold a Master’s degree in a relevant field: Communication and Development Studies.
  • • Other team members should also hold a minimum of a first degree in Communication and Development Studies.
  • • A minimum of 3 years of proven experience in capacity building in evidence gathering and documentation.

8. Application Process

Interested and qualified consultants/firms are required to submit a proposal interpreting this Terms of Reference elaborating the proposed methodology, a detailed work plan and budget indicating both the professional rates and costs for logistics/operations in Zambian Kwacha. The same should be accompanied with detailed CV for the lead Consultant including summarized CVs of other team members if any proposed for this assignment or comparable consultancies or engagements recently completed and at least 3 work references or links of sample works successfully produced in the last 2-3 years.

The quotations should be submitted electronically to Save the Children Zambia through the procurement unit.

The deadline for submission of application is 15th June 2020 at 12.00 noon Central African Time. Only successful applicants will be contacted for interviews.

9. Budget

As part of the expression of interest, interested consultants should submit their competitive bid budget and work-plan to undertake this study of work in line with these terms of reference.

10. Schedule of payment

The following payments will be made to the selected consultant/team using an agreed mode of payment:

  • • On contract signing: 50%
  • • After acceptance and approval of final documents: 50%

Proposal assessment and award of consultancy

Save the Children and the Sida CSO Partners will evaluate the proposals and award the assignment based on technical and financial feasibility. Save the Children and its partners reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal received without giving reasons and is not bound to accept the lowest, the highest or any bidder. Only the successful applicant will be contacted.

Interested applicants are invited to submit EOI and a budget, proposed work plan and CVs of relevant documentary team members with references of previous work done not later than 15th June 2020 to the email addresses below. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Send to;

  1. 1. Centre for Trade policy and Development (CTPD): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  2. 2. Panos Institute Southern Africa (PSAf): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  3. 3. Life Line ChildLine Zambia: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Copy to;

  • 4. Save the Children International: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Download the entire Expression of Interest to Supply here:


Caritas Africa is one of the 7 Regions of the Caritas Internationalis Confederation, composed of 46 Member Organisations located in the Subsaharan region and islands of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. It is an International Non-Profit Charity Organisation whose function is to promote cooperation and harmonize the work of Caritas members of the Africa Region, in conformity with the priorities determined by the General Assembly of Caritas Internationalis (CI).

The purpose of Caritas Africa is to assist the Catholic Church in Africa in carrying out its social-pastoral ministry of spreading charity and justice by assisting the poor and the needy, responding to humanitarian emergencies, promoting community development and resilience and advocating for peace and respect for the human rights according to the Holy Scriptures and the Teachings of the Catholic Church.

Download the entire Job offer here:

Celebrating the 5th Anniversary of Laudato Si under the theme ‘Everything is connected’

During the past week which the Catholic Church set aside as Laudato Si’ Week, which ran from 16th to 24th May 2020, Catholics throughout the world have been walking in solidarity for a more just and sustainable future. The fifth anniversary of Laudato Si’ offers us an opportunity to act together in a strategic way of taking care of God’s creation, our Common Home.

Today marks exactly 5 years since the release of this popular Encyclical and as we end the cerebrations today, we are delighted to note that Laudato Si is not only a well-written letter by Pope Francis to the people of the world, but has over the years become a point of reference for the Christian Denominations, other religions, government policymakers, including the United Nations, as well as environmental groups and movements worldwide. It is a letter that touches on all sectors of life, reminding us that our socio-economic, political and environmental organisation and practices, must not lead to increasing the crisis that mother earth is currently going through.

Download the entire Press statement here:

Press statement on the occasion of Africa Freedom Day “Silencing the guns: Creating conditions for Africa’s development”

Caritas Zambia would like to join the rest of Africa in expressing profound gratitude to the many brave African sons and daughters who lost their lives during the struggle to free the African people from the yoke of colonialism apartheid, humiliation and oppression. The founding fathers of our continent such as Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Modibo Keita of Mali, Gamal Nasser of Egypt, Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya, Ahmed Sekou Toure of Guinea, Patrice Lumumba of Congo, Ahmed Ben Bella of Algeria, Julius Nyerere of Tanzania and our own Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia had this burning desire to see a peaceful, prosperous and democratic Africa in which her daughters and sons would live in peace and harmony despite their many divergent views which they hold.

Download the entire Press statement here:

Celebrating the Labour Day in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic

“Work for the Lord with untiring effort and with great earnestness of spirit...Do not give up if trials come; and keep on praying” (Romans 12: 11-12)

The Management and esteemed members of staff at the Catholic Secretariat.

On behalf of the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB), I wish to convey to you my fellow ecclesiastical civil servants, our best wishes on this year’s Labour Day. At the same times, I wish to acknowledge and applaud your continued spirit of hard work and teamwork, coupled with a lot of personal sacrifices. Be rest assured that the Bishops, not only know but also greatly appreciate your valuable contribution to the work of the church in Zambia

Download the entire message here:

Developing Countries’ debt must be cancelled to tackle coronavirus crisis

Emergency finance must not add to debt burdens

Process to reduce debt to a sustainable level in future is needed

On this World Health day when the world is supposed to celebrate the work of nurses and midwives and remind the world leaders of the critical role they play in keeping the world healthy amid an unprecedented global crisis, more than 100 organisations are calling for developing countries’ debt to be cancelled to fight the Covid-19 health and economic crisis.

Cancelling all debt payments owed by low-income countries to other governments, multilateral institutions and private lenders would free up to US$ 25.5 billion to fight coronavirus in 2020 alone. Extending the cancellation to apply to payments due in 2021 would make another US$ 24.9 billion available to help save lives now and in the future.

The IMF and the World Bank have called for debt payments by the poorest countries to other governments to be suspended, but with the effects of the pandemic likely to last for years, delaying rather than cancelling payments won’t solve the problem.

Cancellation also needs to apply to all creditors, including bilateral, multilateral and private lenders, to ensure freed-up money goes to support the pandemic response, and not to pay off other debts.

Mr. Eugene Kabilika, the Executive Director for Caritas Zambia, joining the world call to cancel debt said: “Thousands, if not millions of Zambians are already facing devastating health, social and economic challenges and the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, will only make the situation worse. Permanently cancelling upcoming debt payments owed by Zambia would be the fastest way to free up existing public resources to tackle this unprecedented crisis and save lives”.

External debt repayments in Zambia has been diminishing resources meant for poverty reduction, which has exerted a significant crowding-out effect on social expenditures more especially in the health sector which is very critical in this Covid-19 pandemic period. External debt overhang in Zambia, just like in many other African countries continues to constitute a serious obstacle to fight Covid-19 pandemic which has both developmental and economic growth effects.

“The suspension on debt payments called for by the IMF and World Bank will fall short of this goal if it doesn’t apply to all lenders, and only postpones payments. Full cancellation of all external debt payments is critical, along with emergency finance that doesn’t add to debt burdens. This must be followed up with a more comprehensive and long-term approach to debt crisis resolution.”In addition, “it is important to do everything possible to help low-income countries avoid a build-up of unsustainable debt, and that the IMF and Bank should be a leading force toward achieving this objective. This will help Zambianot to fall off track significantly towards attaining the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It will require Full cancellation and greater use of grant financing rather than availing more money for borrowing, especially for poorest and debt vulnerable countries. Availing grants is an important first step in this direction of fighting and stopping the Covid-19 pandemic”

Cancellation of debt service, up to an additional US$ 73.1 billion of emergency finance will be needed to help low-income economies as they respond to the crisis in 2020. This must be provided through grants, rather than loans, to stop recipient countries getting even deeper into debt. Addressing the long-term debt pressures on developing countries also requires decision-makers finally agreeing reforms to the international system for dealing with sovereign debt restructuring, once the acute Covid-19 crisis has passed.

A joint letter also signed by Caritas Zambia - will be sent to governments and their representatives at the IMF and World Bank in due course, it calls for:

• The permanent cancellation of all external debt payments due in 2020 by developing countries, with no accrual of interest and charges and no penalties.

• The provision of additional, fresh emergency finance that does not create more debt.

• Debt cancellation and new financing to be provided free of demands for market-friendly and austerity-focused policy reforms in developing countries.

• Measures to be put in place to protect developing countries from lawsuits when ceasing 2020 debt payments.

• A process under UN auspices to be agreed in the longer term, to support systematic, timely, and fair restructuring of sovereign debt.


Download a signed copy here

Caritas Zambia

Catholic Secretariat

Box 31965

Plot BRT 6, Kabulonga Road



7th April, 2010


• Signatories of the statement include the African Forum and Network on Debt and Development (Afrodad), Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD), Latin American Network on Debt, Development and Rights (Latindadd) and European Network on Debt and Development (Eurodad). Other signatories include Jubilee Debt Campaign UK, USA and Germany, Oxfam, ActionAid, International, The ONE Campaign, Cafod, Save the Children and Global Justice Now, as well as the Mozambique Budget Monitoring Forum, Budget Advocacy Network in Sierra Leone and CUTS International, Zambia.

• African finance ministers have called for a suspension of all interest payments in 2020, and all principal and interest payments by fragile states.

• Urgent calls for debt relief have also been made by the United Nations Secretary-General, the United Nations Conference for Trade and Development, the Prime Ministers of both Pakistan and Ethiopia, the Ecuadorian Congress and Vatican Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle.

This statement calls for:

• Multilateral institutions, including the IMF and World Bank, should offer an immediate cancellation of all principal, interest and charges for the remainder of 2020 for all countries in need, and most urgently for all PRGT and IDA countries.

• The IMF and World Bank should urge any country ceasing multilateral and/or bilateral debt payments to also cancel payments to private external lenders. Any new IMF and World Bank finance should be in the form of grants not loans, and require other lenders to reprofile the debt where sustainability is uncertain or restructure their debt where it is unsustainable, to help ensure money is used to support public policy priorities in response to the COVID-19 crisis, rather than to repay other lenders.

• Lender governments, both Paris Club members and others such as China, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, should cancel all principal, interest and charges for the remainder of 2020 for all countries in need, and most urgently for all PRGT and IDA countries. Ideally, a debt cancellation should be coordinated between lenders but should not wait for them all to agree.

• The G20 should support moves by any country to stop making payments on debt to private external lenders.

• Key jurisdictions, especially the UK and New York, should pass legislation to prevent any lender suing a government for stopping debt payments in 2020.

• Debt payment cancellations and additional finance should be free of economic policy conditionality promoting privatisation, deregulation and trade liberalisation. The crisis has been caused by exogenous shocks: developments over which countries in the global south had no control.

• Debt payment cancellation and additional finance should be designed specifically to bolster public expenditure targeted at protecting the rights and needs of populations, especially to maintain and increase social protection and health spending in response to COVID-19 and

The statement also calls for longer-term measures:

• The creation through the United Nations of a systematic, comprehensive and enforceable process for sovereign debt restructurings.

• The IMF to introduce clear guidelines on when a debt is unsustainable, and follow its policy only to lend to countries with unsustainable debts if there is a default or debt restructuring.

Submission on the Youth Development Fund


The Zambia government created the Youth Development Fund (YDF) in 2000 in order to address the issue of youth unemployment by encouraging young people who could not find formal employment to pursue entrepreneurship and self-employment. Zambia has high rates of youth unemployment. In 2014 approximately 10.5% of young people aged 18-35 were unemployed compared to 7.4% of general unemployment rate (Central Statistical Office, 2015). The challenge of high youth unemployment remain of great concern, especially that Zambia is a youthful country whereby 80% of the population falls below the age of 35 (Central Statistical Office, 2012). The problem of youth unemployment has been aggravated by the fact that economic growth in the past 14 years has not been very inclusive. Therefore, the introduction of the YDF is a good action by Zambia in addressing the unemployment challenges. This introduction of this empowerment program is in line with the National Youth Policy objectives of 2015, which are aimed to;

Zambia’s response to the impact of climate change on the Agriculture Sector from the Zambia Climate Change Network


DATE: 21st NOVEMBER 2019


Globally, climate change has become a challenge affecting many developing nations including Zambia. The impacts of Climate Change are usually adverse for developing nations due to the high levels of vulnerability coupled with low adaptive capacity. Climate change threatens the ability of countries to meet their developmental goals. Effects of climate change include drought, flooding, extreme temperatures affecting key sectors of national development such as energy sector, food security, health, water sources, industrial processing among many others. The agriculture sector is the most vulnerable sector to climate change effects. The Zambian government has made an effort to address these effects by coming up with mitigation and adaptation strategies.

The effect of Climate Change is already affecting temperatures and precipitation in Zambia. Warming has been especially noticeable during the winter months. According to Zambia's Meteorological Department, the 2016 high temperatures ranging from 30°C to 38°C across the country attest to the fact that was established in 2006 of increasing temperatures. Furthermore, Zambia's average annual rainfall decreased by an average rate of 2.8 mm per month per decade since 1960, primarily due to decreases in rainfall from December to February and this has greatly affected crop production and household food security. Some communities in rural areas are in chronic food deficit and always face moderate food insecurity due to low production and high levels of poverty. According to the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit’s (DMMU) Vulnerability Assessment Committee’s 2019 report (ZVAC), about 2.3 million people in Zambia are likely to face acute food insecurity in the projected period of October 2019 to March 2020.

Crop production is threatened by Climate Change due to changes in rainfall patterns and temperatures. Apart from affecting crops, the rising temperatures and associated decreases in rainfall have also reduced foliage for cattle and other animals that depend on grass for their survival. Households that depend on cattle for their livelihoods face difficulties in sustaining their livelihoods when their livestock die. They become vulnerable to Climate Change impacts as a result of reduced livestock that normally is an alternative to crop production and income.

Other adverse effects of Climate Change include loss of natural environment, damage to infrastructure and disruption of biodiversity. According to the 2011 study on the economic impacts of Climate Change, a GDP loss of USD 5 billion is estimated over a 10 – 20 year period. An assessment of potential climate impacts shows that they will seriously undermine the efforts to improve the livelihoods of Zambians if left unaddressed.

The entire submission to the Committee on Agriculture, Lands and Natural Resources of the National Assembly on Zambia’s response to the impact of climate change on the agriculture sector by the Zambia Climate Change Network can be found and downloaded at

About Caritas Zambia

Caritas Zambia is a Catholic Organisation that is an integral structure of the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB). The Conference of Bishops is a permanent grouping of Bishops of a given nation or territory that jointly exercises certain pastoral functions on behalf of the Christian faithful of their territory. This is done for the sake of effective evangelisation. To promote the principle of the common good which the Church offers humankind, especially through forms and programmes of the apostolate which are fittingly adapted to the circumstances of the time and place, is the role of Bishops.